Copper in Drinking Water

Health Effects and How to Reduce Exposure.  Since 1991 water systems across the country have been sampling water in the homes of their customers…more…

Water & Electricity – A Deadly Combination

We use electrical appliances and equipment to perform countless chores and activities around the home every day.  These items are quite frequently used in a very close proximity to water…more…

Scalding from Excessively Hot Tap Water

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are approximately 3,800 burn injuries and 34 deaths caused by excessively hot tap water…more…

Lead in the Drinking Water

Lead is a common metal that has been in many consumer products but is now known to be harmful to human health if ingested or inhaled…more…

Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality Report)

General Water Characteristics

mg/L or ppm:  means Milligrams per Liter or Parts per Million

Description Results
pH 7.7 units
Temperature 42 degrees
Solids, Total Dissolved 461 mg/L
Sulfate 16 mg/L
Chloride 57.6 mg/L
Total Alkalinity 320 mg/L
Specific Conductance 816.0 umhos/cm
Calcium 74 mg/L
Magnesium 35.0 mg/L
Sodium 13 mg/L
Aluminum <.028 mg/L
Iron .007 mg/L
Manganese .025 mg/L
Zinc .003 mg/L
Fluoride .3 natural mg/L
Average Chlorine Free .04 mg/L
Average Chlorine Total 1.3 mg/L
Average Hardness 17.1 mg/L

The public water supply for Owatonna is tested regularly for these contaminant groups:

  • Coliform Bacteria
  • Nitrate
  • Nitrite
  • Inorganics
  • Volatile Organics
  • Trihalomethanes
  • Synthetic Organics
  • Radiochemicals

There are approximately 120 different contaminants tested with these groups.

NOTE:  OPU water meets or exceeds all Federal and State water standards.