by: Mark Fritsch, General Manager
Having a municipal utility like Owatonna Public Utilities (OPU) brings many advantages to Owatonna. One advantage that isn’t as well known is how we support economic development. As a partner on the Owatonna Partners for Economic Development (OPED) team, we have the opportunity to support bringing in new businesses and keeping existing business in Owatonna. The OPED team is made up of the City’s Economic Development Director, City Administrator, Mayor, County Planner, Chamber of Commerce President, Owatonna Business Incubator Executive Director and me. Because of our involvement with the OPED group we have recently helped new business development with Fareway Foods, and Viracon.
At Fareway Foods, the utility work design and planning helped save them unnecessary costs. We reviewed their plans, documented on paper and in the field where OPU facilities existed. Then we contacted their engineer and architect to make suggestions and review areas where they could avoid conflicts with the utilities and save themselves and OPU unnecessary expenses. The utility work design and planning helped facilitate the successful decision to locate their new facility at Owatonna.
At Viracon, they are considering whether or not to expand their facility here or at another state. Not expanding their facility here could have resulted in the loss of several hundred jobs. OPU’s ability to change and upgrade utilities to meet the timelines and requirements were considered to be a supporting factor to keeping them in Owatonna. At one of the meetings with Viracon, they expected the utility work to negatively affect the proposed project timelines and costs. Fortunately we were able to eliminate their concerns.
We also help businesses be more competitive in today’s challenging business climate with our Partnering in Energy Solutions (PIES) program. Besides our normal energy conservation rebate program, this program encourages an evaluation and inspection of customer’s equipment to reduce maintenance costs, improve comfort, provide precise control, and extend equipment life. Financing may be available for qualifying improvement projects. OPU has set aside a total of $250,000 available for project loans that are paid back over a one to two year period. Since the PIES program introduction in 2011, seven businesses have used these loans to pay for energy efficiency projects.
The above are just a few of the examples of Owatonna Public Utilities efforts to support economic development and business success, helping ensure a vibrant community for us all.